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Nokia G-240W-B

This guide was developed using a Nokia G-240W-B router (software version 3FE47969AGCA21). It should work for other models in the G series.


There is no single way to do it right. Choose the one best suited for you. This guide is IPv4 and IPv6 compatible, but it is not mandatory to use IPv6.


  • The Raspberry Pi is using static IP address, IPv4 and IPv6 as well. This can be a fixed DHCP assignment or configured statically on the Pi itself.
  • The ISP provides IPv6 address, prefix and gateway to the router.

Grab your IPv4 and IPv6 address from your Raspberry Pi

SSH into your Raspberry Pi. A quick ifconfig eth0 (substituting eth0 for the applicable network interface) will get you the address information:

eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
    inet  netmask  broadcast
    inet6 2806:103e:1f:2ace:22a1:de1d:e1bf:30dc  prefixlen 64  scopeid0x0<global>
    inet6 2806:103e:1f:2ace:7d21:7337:7817:2fb2  prefixlen 128  scopeid0x0<global>
    inet6 fe80::e6f3:5490:577e:4fed  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
    inet6 fe80::192:168:1:10  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
    ether e4:5f:01:cd:8e:e1  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
    RX packets 4342  bytes 704995 (688.4 KiB)
    RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
    TX packets 3376  bytes 661707 (646.1 KiB)
    TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

The relevant lines here are inet netmask and inet6 fe80::192:168:1:10 prefixlen 64

Worth to mention that the IPv6 address that starts with fe80 is the link-local address and it is used in this guide, the other addresses that start with 2806 are the global addresses and they are assigned by the router.

IPv4 configuration

Go to Network --> LAN

  1. Set IPv4 address to the default gateway address, or depending on your specific router configuration.
  2. Set Subnet mask to
  3. Set Primary DNS to (the IPv4 eth0 address)
  4. Set DHCP Enabled (update IP address range if needed)
  5. Click Save

All client devices connected to the network should now automatically be configured with a single 192.168.1.x address for the DNS resolution.

Screenshot of LAN IPV4

IPv6 configuration

Go to Status --> WAN Status IPv6

Take note of the following Link Local IPv6 address (e.g. fe80::1) In this case the prefix is used to create the static addresses for the eth0 interface. Other dispositives will use the same prefix to create their addresses automatically.

Screenshot of LAN IPV6

Go to Network --> LAN_IPv6

IPv6 LAN Host Configuration

  1. Set DNS Server to static
  2. Set Preferred DNS to fe80::192:168:1:10 (the IPv6 eth0 address)
  3. Set LAN Prefix to 1_LAN_Prefix (the ISP provided prefix)
  4. Set Enable checkbox
  5. Click Save/Apply

Screenshot of LAN IPV6 1

DHCPv6 Server

  1. Set Enable checkbox (this means using ULA addresses)
  2. Click Save/Apply

DHCPv6 Server Pool

  1. Set LAN Prefix to 1_LAN_Prefix
  2. Click Save/Apply

Screenshot of LAN IPV6 1


  1. Set Enable checkbox
  2. Set LAN Prefix to 1_LAN_Prefix (the ISP provided prefix)
  3. Set Whether the address info through DHCP checkbox
  4. Set Whether other info obtained through DHCP checkbox
  5. Click Save/Apply

All client devices connected to the network should now automatically be configured with fe80::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx router address.

Screenshot of LAN IPV6 1

Last update: June 29, 2023